Are you a youth agripreneur transforming Africa’s food systems? Tell us today how you are solving some of the existing challenges in the food value chain and we will consider publishing your outstanding work on the GoGettaz Community platform, e-newsletter and our different social media channels. The GoGettaz online community is an initiative by Generation Africa which seeks to inspire the next generation of African agripreneurs, connecting them to resources they need to move their businesses successfully from idea to scale. Today, the online community platform has over 9,000 registered members representing different agri-food sector players across Africa. As a key stakeholder supporting youth agripreneurship, we provide a neutral platform to profile young agripreneurs by showcasing their innovations and businesses to attract financing, market, business development support services and linkages with different stakeholders. Sharing your agribusiness story will give your company good visibility and it will help to promote learnings on successful models of youth agripreneurship. Eligibility You are aged 18-35 and based in Africa. Your agribusiness should be legally registered and has business operations in Africa The startup is transforming the agri-food sector through innovation or process improvements. We welcome articles from the following businesses including: Agri-food research and development Primary food production (farming) Crop nutrition Irrigation Mechanization Automation or robotics including drones. Crop protection Hydroponics or urban farming Transport or distribution Storage or logistics Food processing Packaging or marketing Food retail or service Waste management or recycling Digital or technology solutions/services to the agri-food sector Innovative finance solutions/services to the agri-food sector Innovative finance solutions/services to the agrifood sector Renewable energy or environmental solutions/services to the agri-food sector. Share your agribusiness journey today and we shall publish it! Submit your article via this link African innovation agripreneurship agritech Generation Africa GoGettaz innovation startups